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What Is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty (also commonly referred to as a ‘nose job’) is a cosmetic or reconstructive surgery that’s performed to reshape the nose or repair the nose following nasal trauma (i.e. a broken or fractured nose). Rhinoplasty can also be performed to correct a birth defect like a cleft palate or a structural deformity of the nose that may cause medical conditions like sleep apnea. Some of the structural deformities that may be addressed by undergoing rhinoplasty include deviated septums, crooked noses, dorsal humps, and congenital arhinia, which is classified by the absence of an external nose or nasal cavities.

The benefits of cosmetic rhinoplasty

Alongside being performed to correct nasal deformities and breathing problems that may be caused by deformities, rhinoplasty has also gained in popularity as a cosmetic surgery, primarily being performed to change the physical appearance and proportions of the nose to boost a patient’s self-confidence.

Here are just some of the major benefits of rhinoplasty as a cosmetic procedure:

  1. Easy method for correcting nasal asymmetry – rhinoplasty can change the width, tip, and side profile of the nose, making it an ideal cosmetic surgery for those looking to correct nasal asymmetry or unevenness.
  2. Minimal scarring – rhinoplasty procedures are performed through the nostrils. This method is to ensure that there’s little to no visible facial scarring or signs of past cuts or incisions post-surgery. That being said, some rhinoplasty surgeons may make the decision to cut through the patient’s septum or tissue between the nostrils if required. This will still result in little to no visible scarring post-surgery.
  3. Permanent results – unlike nose fillers which must be reapplied routinely, you can enjoy the results of your surgical rhinoplasty procedure for life.

Like other cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries, rhinoplasty is performed whilst a patient is under general anaesthetic. Because of this, rhinoplasty procedures can only be performed in registered hospitals and day procedure facilities in Australia, as stipulated by 2018 amendments to the Health Services Act 1988.

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Rhinoplasty FAQs.

The cost of rhinoplasty in Australia can vary based on factors such as the surgeon’s expertise, location, and the extent of the procedure. On average, the cost ranges from AUD $16,200 to $34,800. This typically includes surgeon fees, anaesthesia, facility costs, and follow-up appointments. It’s essential for individuals to enquire about all potential costs during the consultation and consider factors such as post-operative care and any revision surgery expenses that may arise.

Rhinoplasty offers a transformative opportunity, addressing both aesthetic and functional concerns. By understanding the procedure, benefits, and potential risks, individuals can make informed decisions about improving both the appearance and functionality of their nose, while also considering the associated recovery process and financial aspects.

Rhinoplasty Average Cost Breakdown

Estimated prices do not include post-care, garments, consultations and any complications.

Item Min. Cost Max. Cost
Est. Total Cost $16,200 $34,800
Surgeon Cost $10,000 $14,000
Daily Hospital Cost $4,000 $7,500
Anaesthetist $2,200 $3,300
Surgery Time 4 Hours 6 Hours
Hospital Time Day Surgery

Rhinoplasty typically only takes 1-2 hours. This means that most patients can expect to go home the same day as their procedure. In some rare cases, your clinicians may request that you stay overnight for monitoring.

Immediately following a rhinoplasty procedure, you can expect to still be feeling the effects of your anaesthetic as well as any pain medications provided by your surgeon or specialist. As a result, you may not be able to eat or drink immediately due to risks of nausea or vomiting.


Most patients take a few days off work to manage the swelling and bleeding that may occur in the days immediately following their procedure. It’s also advised that you refrain from blowing or rubbing your nose for a minimum of eight weeks following your procedure, primarily to reduce the risks of infection or tearing whilst your wounds are still healing.

Most patients can expect to recover from their rhinoplasty procedure in about 2-4 weeks. In some cases, however, patients have reported pain or swelling even as far as two months after their surgery. If you have reason to suspect that something is impeding on your wound’s ability to heal, it’s best to consult a medical practitioner promptly.

Understanding what’s involved with a rhinoplasty procedure as well as the requirements from patients to ensure their speedy recovery is key for those looking to undergo this particular surgical procedure. Our Pirk cosmetic consultant will also provide you with a list of questions to ask your surgeons during your first consultation, as well as on the day of your procedure, and even post-surgery.

Rhinoplasty procedures are conducted over 1-2 hours and whilst the patient is under general anaesthetic and intravenous sedation if required. Incisions that are made during your rhinoplasty procedure are also closed with dissolving stitches to ensure that little to no scarring remains following recovery from the procedure. Proper care during recovery can also help drastically reduce the risks of scarring.

Alongside risks of scarring, rhinoplasty procedures are also accompanied by complications like bleeding, tearing or separation of wound edges, the formation of keloid scars, temporary or permanent numbness to sections of the nose, temporary or even permanent impacts to the patient’s sense of smell, the weakening of the nose’s internal support structure (typically due to repeat surgeries), and infection or allergic reactions to medications, sutures, and any topical lotions or ointments applied after surgery.

After rhinoplasty, patients can expect the shape, size, and general dimensions of their nose to be permanently altered. There is, however, a risk that patients may not like the new shape of their nose. In these cases, repeat surgery may be required, or clinicians may also recommend nose fillers to their patients.

If you’re looking to permanently alter the shape of your nose or correct a congenital nasal defect that may be causing a medical condition, then a rhinoplasty is likely to deliver the results you’re looking for.

Although rhinoplasty procedures are typically performed through the nostril, there is still a small risk of scarring occurring as a result of this surgery. Risks of scarring may be elevated if patients neglect their recovery.

As rhinoplasties are designed to permanently alter the shape of your nose, they are considered to be a procedure with lifelong results. Patients must also be aware that noses that have undergone rhinoplasties are typically also weaker than noses that have never been broken or fractured. As a result, there may be an elevated risk of experiencing a broken or fractured nose following your rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty surgeons recommend that the bones of a patient’s face be fully matured before they consider rhinoplasty. As a result, most surgeons will only recommend rhinoplasty to patients that are of 18 years or older, however the procedure may be available to teens and children in special cases.

As rhinoplasty is performed whilst a patient is under general anaesthetic, the procedure itself is quick and painless. Recovery from the procedure, however, can be accompanied by swelling, pain, and discomfort which may last for a few weeks but can also be managed with pain relief medications.

In some cases, a nose job may fail to deliver the results that a patient was hoping for. As it’s common for patients to still experience swelling even ten to twelve months following their procedure, you typically won’t be able to assess the real results of your rhinoplasty until about a year following the surgery itself. If after one year, you’re still dissatisfied with the results of your nose job, you can undergo a second rhinoplasty or even use nose fillers to secure the nasal profile you’re hoping to achieve.

If you have a bleeding disorder (i.e. haemophilia), there is a higher risk of experiencing excessive bleeding or slower recovery from a rhinoplasty. Patients with psychological disorders or mental illness are typically also advised against rhinoplasty.

Please note that Pirk is not a medical provider. Pirk receives approved information from its partnered surgeons and approved websites. All information provided is general and should not be used as medical advice. Pirk encourages all clients to research and speak to a qualified surgeon or specialist before deciding what is right for them.

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Whether you’re seeking cosmetic enhancement or addressing medical concerns, finding a specialist who understands your unique needs is crucial for achieving desired results while minimising risks.

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  1. Tell Us What You Need: Start by filling out our simple enquiry form. It’s quick, easy, and helps us understand exactly what you’re looking for.
  2. Let’s Chat: Schedule a Discovery Call with one of our Pirk Cosmetic Consultants. We’ll dive deep into your preferences and requirements to match you with qualified surgeons who fit your needs.
  3. Find Your Match: Based on our conversation, we’ll handpick a list of recommended surgeons near you. Take your time to browse through their profiles and find the one that feels like the perfect fit.
  4. Book With Confidence: Once you’ve found your ideal surgeon, book your initial consultation. You can do it directly through Pirk, making the process smooth and stress-free.

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